Brepols Publishers (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Úterý 31. prosinec 2020, 20:00

Dear Professor/Scholar,


I am writing to you in order to express the interest we have as an Academic Publishers in finding students to work for us through the Erasmus+ traineeship programme.


Brepols Publishers is an international academic publisher of works in the humanities.

The focus of its publications lies in primary sources from Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period.


If you believe any of your students (undergraduate, Master’s candidates, PhD candidates, Postdoc) would be interested in working for Brepols Publishers (Thessaloniki, Greece office) through the Erasmus+ program, we would very much appreciate your help in this endeavor.


If a candidate is interested, he/she can contact us for further information (also see file attached) via the following e-mail address:


Kind regards,

Dimitrios Kyratzis


Dimitrios Kyratzis

International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance

c/o Brepols Publishing Services EPE

Ermou 55

GR-54623 Thessaloniki


Tel. +30 2310 279 810




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