The Future is Heritage Summit 2022

Sobota 24. září 2022, 9:00

Dear reader,


From the 24th of September to the 27th of September The Future is Heritage Summit 2022 will take place in Prague. This four-day event is organised by The Future is Heritage, an international network of young people working in the field of heritage, in cooperation and with the support of Europa Nostra - the European Voice of Civil Society Committed to Cultural Heritage - and ESACH - the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage. Students, young professionals, and volunteers, who are active in the field of European cultural heritage, are invited to join us at The Future is Heritage Summit 2022. For more information concerning the event, I refer to our website: The registration closes on the 31st of August. We believe it would be an interesting event for the students/colleagues of the history department of your organization. Could you possibly help us to spread the word and reach students or young professionals/colleagues at your university? We would appreciate this very much. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you kindly in advance.


Kind regards,


Ianthe van Beuningen

Corporate Communication

 Afbeelding met tekst Automatisch gegenereerde beschrijving

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