Mgr. Lukáš Perutka, Ph.D.

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Katedra historie

Filozofická fakulta

Na Hradě 5


Odborný asistent

Contemporary world history 19th to 21st centuries; Transatlantic ties; History of Latin America; History of the United States of America; Emigration to American continent;

Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Tuesday 10:00–11:30 3.14

Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

Vědecká rada

  • Vědecká rada edice Baťovské dějiny (člen, 2017–)

Mezinárodní organizace

  • American Studies Association (člen, 2020–)
  • Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (člen, 2017–2020)

Redakční rada

  • Redakční rada časopisu Ibero-Americana Pragensia (člen, 2022–)
Selected publications
Perutka L. Czech Sacred Places in Texas as the Key Element for Preserving Czech Identity. Review of International American Studies. 2023. (ČLÁNEK)
Perutka L., Balaban M., Herman J., Savic D., Paye S. The Social Welfare System in Bata Company Towns (1920s–1950s): Between Transnational Vision and Local Settings. INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIAL HISTORY. 2022. (ČLÁNEK)
Perutka L. La sociedad checa y México, 1821-1939. 2023. (KNIHA - CELEK)
Perutka L. Czechoslovak Resistance in Canada During World War II. Stalwart Peasants, Undesirables, Refugees: Central and Eastern European Immigration to Canada. 2023. (KAPITOLA V KNIZE)
Perutka L. Valašskomeziříčský kněz Josef Molitor a jeho působení v Chicagu. Valašsko : vlastivědná revue. 2021.
Perutka L. Démon alkohol a jiná Valašská strašidla. Valašsko : vlastivědná revue. 2019.
Perutka L. Ve stínu mrakodrapů. Eduard Kavan a jeho cesta do Spojených států. Valašsko : vlastivědná revue. 2018.
Perutka L., Halamíček Stone L., Stone G., Sublett Marks Montgomery AK., Divin WM., Neuman Gray M., Darilek F. Family stories. Rožnov to Texas. In Perutka L. (Eds.) 2018.
Perutka L. Zvykoslovné tradice valašských vystěhovalců v Texasu. Valašsko: historie a kultura III. 2024.
Perutka L. La colonia checoslovaca en Argentina y la política exterior de su gobierno en la década de 1920. Checoslovaquia, Europa Central y América Latina. El periodo de entreguerras. 2019.
Perutka L. Dilemas del ministro Vlastimil Kybal en Centroamérica. Caribe hispano y Europa: Siglos XIX y XX. Dos siglos de relaciones. 2018.
Perutka L., Nyquist M., Klein L., de Jong J., Rodríguez Pérez MP. A Dynamic Europe: Stories of Transformation and Adaptation. 2023.
Perutka L. Michael R. Cude: The Slovak Question: A Transatlantic Perspective, 1914–1948. Central European University: Review of Books. 2023.
Perutka L. Kateřina Březinová, Latinos: jiná menšina? Ibero-Americana Pragensia. 2022.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
20th Century History KHI/XAD20 ZS 2
20th Century History Workshop B KHI/YD20B ZS Se 2
20th Century History Workshop D KHI/YD20D ZS Se 2
The Magic of the Normalisation Time KHI/LA ZS Se 1
The Magic of the Normalisation Time KHI/LA ZS 1
19th Century History KHI/XD19 LS 2
20th Century History KHI/XD20 ZS 2
Seminar on 20th Century B KHI/XD20B ZS Se 2
Seminar on 20th Century D KHI/XD20D ZS Se 2
20th Century History KHI/AD20 ZS 2
Anatomy of Power: Dictatorships of the 20th Century KHI/AOP ZS 1
Anatomy of Power: Dictatorships of the 20th Century KHI/AOP ZS Se 1
Theory and Practice of Historical Sources (19th Century) KHI/QNP4 LS 1
Theory and Practice of Historical Sources (19th Century) KHI/QNP4 LS Se 1
Presentation to the thesis KHI/XPTDP ZS 0
Core Fields of European Culture I KHI/ECFI ZS Se 1
Core Fields of European Culture I KHI/ECFI ZS 1
Trends in 20th century Historiography KHI/QTD4 LS Se 1
Trends in 20th century Historiography KHI/QTD4 LS 1
Historical Study on the 19th Century History KHI/XSP3 LS Cv 0
19th Century History KHI/YAD19 LS 2
20th Century History KHI/YAD20 ZS 2
Bachelor´s Thesis Workshop 1 KHI/YBS1 LS Se 0
Global Cold War KHI/CEA LS 1
Global Cold War KHI/CEA LS Se 1

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