Mgr. Martin Novák, Ph.D.

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585633242, 519517637

Katedra historie

Filozofická fakulta

Na Hradě 5


odborný asistent

Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology, with specialization in the chipped stone industry from the viewpoint of technology, typology and spatial distribution.

Office Hours:
Regular Room number: Comment:
Wednesday 08:30–09:30 2.06
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Methods and interpretation of Palaeolithic research KHI/6MIPV LS 5
Palaeoanthropology KHI/6PAN ZS 2
Profiling course 1 KHI/6PP1 ZS 0
Profiling course 2 KHI/6PP2 ZS Se 0
World of ideas and the burial rite KHI/3SIPR LS 2
Seminar to Methods and interpretation of Palaeolithic research KHI/3SMIP LS Se 2
Settlement Archaeology of Hunter-gatherer populations KHI/6SALS ZS 5
Seminar to Current trends in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic KHI/6SATM ZS Se 2
Seminar to Methods and interpretation of Palaeolithic research KHI/6SMIP LS Se 2
Seminar to Settlement Archaeology of Hunter-gatherer populations KHI/6SSAL ZS Se 2
Current trends in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic KHI/7ATPM ZS 2
Palaeolithic and Mesoltihic KHI/4PAM ZS 4
Palaeolithic and Mesoltihic KHI/4PAM ZS Se 2
Movable artefacts of Palaeolithic and Mesolitihic KHI/7MAPM LS Cv 4
Methods and interpretation of Palaeolithic research KHI/7MIPV LS 5
Palaeoanthropology KHI/7PAN ZS 4
Settlement Archaeology of Hunter-gatherer populations KHI/7SALS ZS 5
Seminar to Current trends in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic KHI/7SATM ZS Se 2
Seminar to Methods and interpretation of Palaeolithic research KHI/7SMIP LS Se 2
Seminar to Settlement Archaeology of Hunter-gatherer populations KHI/7SSAL ZS Se 2
Palaeolithic and Mesoltihic KHI/5PAM ZS Se 4
Palaeolithic and Mesoltihic KHI/5PAM ZS 5
Current trends in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic KHI/6ATPM ZS 4
Movable artifacts of Paleolithic and Mesolithic KHI/3MAPM LS Cv 2
Methods and interpretation of Palaeolithic research KHI/3MIPV LS 5
Movable artefacts of Palaeolithic and Mesolitihic KHI/6MAPM ZS Cv 2
Movable artefacts of Palaeolithic and Mesolitihic KHI/6MAPM LS Cv 2
Foreign language - KHI KHI/CIZJK LS Cv 0

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