Border Narratives: Brexit, Europe, and the UK

Středa 6. květen 2020, 8:00

Dear all,


My colleague Kirsten Sandrock from English Philology in Göttingen and I plan a conference on “Border Narratives: Brexit, Europe, and the UK” to be held next May.


We hope the theme will be interesting for you or colleagues of yours. Please feel free to pass on the Call.


We will apply for funding, but at this stage cannot say whether we will able to sponsor travel costs or accommodation. We thus can see how we can use funding like Erasmus or U4, for example. But that is the second step…


We look forward to your contributions!


All the best,



Dr. Lars Klein

EMJMD „Euroculture – Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context“

Georg-August-University Goettingen

Platz der Goettinger Sieben 3, OEC 1.148

37073 Goettingen, Germany


Phone: +49 (0) 551 39 - 27822

Fax: +49 (0) 551 39 - 26055


Euroculture Consortium:

Euroculture Göttingen:

The Euroculturer Magazine:


Twitter: @eucugoe

Skype: euroculturegoettingen

Facebook Group: Euroculture Göttingen

Facebook Page: Euroculture Goettingen


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